Become a member

Vote in our elections

You can have a direct say in how the FGG is run by having voting rights at our general assemblies. This includes voting for new board members, organisational decisions as well as voting on future Gay Games site selection.

Join our global community

You’ll stand alongside dozens of other LGBTQ+ sports and cultural entities and can take advantage of that network to meet and talk to other likeminded people.

Promote your events

We’ll help you promote your events and achievements to our global network to drive sales, engagement and new teammates for your groups.

What’s included?

We’re working hard to provide our members with the tools they need to reach more people and have a greater impact in the work they do, as well as have a say in the growth and work we do here at the FGG.

  • Your membership allows you to join our annual general meetings where you can vote in new board members and have a say in future Gay Games site selection

  • Send us the content you want us to promote and we’ll include it in our newsletter and on social media to our network

  • Network with international sports & cultural organisations without our member-only networking space

Choose your plan

Member Organization
Developed Country

$100 / year

✓ Help improve the Gay Games experience for your members

✓ Help lead the Gay Games movement by electing FGG officials

✓ Publicise your organization via members-only email list

✓ Network with international sports and cultural organizations

✓ Select future Gay Games host cities

Member Organization
Developing Country

$30 / year

✓ Help improve the Gay Games experience for your members

✓ Help lead the Gay Games movement by electing FGG officials

✓ Publicise your organization via members-only email list

✓ Network with international sports and cultural organizations

✓ Select future Gay Games host cities

Associate Member
Developed Country

$50 / year

✓ Help improve the Gay Games experience for your members

✓ Help lead the Gay Games movement by electing FGG officials

✓ Publicise your organization via members-only email list

✓ Network with international sports and cultural organizations

Select future Gay Games host cities

Associate Member
Developing Country

$15 / year

✓ Help improve the Gay Games experience for your members

✓ Help lead the Gay Games movement by electing FGG officials

✓ Publicise your organization via members-only email list

✓ Network with international sports and cultural organizations

Select future Gay Games host cities

Discover our members

Learn more about current member organizations and how they are benefitting from the memberships with the FGG


If you are interested in becoming a Gay Games member organisation, simply send an email now to member services and we’ll get in touch with you soon to confirm your membership.