Our board

Working for a better Gay Games

The FGG Board is all-volunteer and terms are four years long. The terms of elected Officers at Large are two years. Each member attends an annual and a mid-year meeting in varying cities of the world. Elections are held annually, with a portion of the Board members on the ballot each year. That assures continuity among the membership. For example, the two Co-Presidents are elected in different years.



Sophia Goodner-Rodriguez



  • Sean Fitzgerald

    he/him • Vancouver BC, Canada

    VP of Member Services, VP of Production

  • Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett

    they/them • London, UK

    Vice-President of External Relations

  • Alan Lang

    he/him • Hong Kong

    Vice-President of Production

  • Viv Woodcock - Downey

    she/her • Brighton, UK

    VP of Operations


  • Steven Acosta

    he/him • Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

    Officer of Human Resources

  • Anthony Alston

    he/him • Seattle WA, USA

    Officer of Culture

  • Duncan Campbell

    he/him • Barcelona, Spain

    Officer of Communications

  • Kimberly Hadley

    she/her • Edmonton AB, Canada

    Officer of Sport

  • Daniel Holland

    he/him • Toronto ON, Canada

    Officer of Development

  • Ken Hundrieser

    he/him • Chicago IL, USA


  • Guin Joyce Ballard

    Hong Kong, China

    Officer of Ceremonies

  • Francisco Mimo-Lannoy

    he/him • Chicago, IL USA

    Officer of Technology

  • Dade P.

    he/him • USA


  • Grace Thompson

    she/her • Washington D.C., USA

    Officer of International Development

  • Angelica Saenz

    Valencia, Spain

    Officer at Large

  • Austin Manning

    he/him • Austin TX, USA

    Officer of Site Selection

  • Steven R. Yacovelli

    he/him • Orlando, FL, USA

    Officer of Membership

  • Joan Miró

    he/him • Barcelona, Spain

    Officer of Marketing

  • Yahya Hilali

    he/him • Paris, France

    Officer at Large

  • Judith Solanas

    she/her • Barcelona, Spain

    Officer at Large

In our commitment to ensuring our board is as diverse as possible, we especially welcome people to apply who have unique perspectives and experience based on their background, such as your gender identity, sexual identity, race, place of birth, place of residence, social class, physical ability, neurodiversity or any other factor.

Board vacancies

We do not currently have an board vacancies, however positions become available from time to time.

Please consider volunteering on one of our committees to learn about available positions on the Gay Games board.