Passing the Torch
Gay Games 9: CLE + AKR 2014
The Cleveland skyline during Gay Games IX. Photo: Gary Sponholtz
A video of the entire Opening Ceremony
A local Cleveland news report about the Closing Ceremony
MARY ZALLER: GG9 was a game changer for Northeast Ohio. Not only for the LGBTQ Community, but for the entire region. We are still experiencing many benefits of the collaborations and relationships that were built during that time – it was truly transformative!
In 2012, I was hired to be the Director of Development for Gay Games 9. Because Cleveland and Akron are both smaller cities, we needed not only the LGBTQ community, but the general population to get excited about the Gay Games,. I don't have the stats on this, but I think we are the Gay Games that had the most amount of allies as participants and volunteers.
Mary Zaller (left) with her wife Mary Prevel
I could talk forever about how GG9 continues to positively impact our entire community. But I was asked to talk about the financial success of the 2014 Gay Games, presented by the Cleveland Foundation (which was our official name). The fact that the Cleveland Foundation – the first Community Foundation in the country - stepped in early with a large sponsorship, lent us credibility with civic leaders in a time before nationwide marriage equality, and other rights for our community. Many of the major corporations, media outlets, sports teams, and nonprofits in the region stepped up to sponsor. Supporting GG9 became a matter of civic pride. Countless companies large and small were excited to be part of the effort, by contributing cash, in kind sponsorships, volunteer support and more.
One of the most gratifying outcomes was the large amount of small business sponsorships: over 150. We enabled businesses to participate for as little as $500 and connect their brand to this exciting international event. It was a way to democratize philanthropy for small business owners.
Gay Games 9 By The Numbers report
The economic impact was huge: $52.1 million plus $20.6 million in job creation! For those who like stats, there are many facts and numbers on the two attached overview documents.
We were a Gay Games of many firsts:
The first to undertake an organized effort to engage political leaders
The first to formally engage a network of local non-profit organizations as community partners
The first to implement a sustainability plan
The first to have a sitting Head of State address the Opening Ceremony (thanks to the tireless efforts of Shamey Cramer, FGG Officer of Ceremonies)
And the first to have a financial profit that enabled us to give back to our regional LGBTQ Community
Executive Tom Nobbe passing the torch to Paris - Gay Games IX Closing Ceremony
(L to R): Tom Nobbe, Gay Games founder Paul Mart; Honorary Life Member Richard Hogan
We had a dedicated board led by Co-Chairs Hollie M. Ksiezyk and Stephen G. Sokany, and a never-give-up and ever-growing staff led by Thomas Nobbe, Executive Director. One of the things we are proudest of, is that we ended with a $150,000 surplus that we were able to donate to the LGBTQ funds at the Cleveland Foundation and the Akron Gay Community Foundation.
The Federation of Gay Games chose Cleveland and Akron Ohio to make a difference by changing hearts and minds in the “heartland” of America. By all estimations, that goal was accomplished with the huge success of GG9.
Gay Games IX Scholarship orientation session. Photo: Doug Litwin
Gay Games IX Scholarship recipients in Cleveland
JEFFRY PIKE: Sharing the personal stories of scholarship recipients during and after the Sydney and Chicago Games has increased enthusiasm of donors and led to additional scholarship endowments and donations, thus expanding the opportunity for the FGG to help more participants attend Gay Games IX Cleveland (2014) and Gay Games X Paris (2018).
"I am actually thinking about becoming a president of the LGBT sports organization in St Petersburg. So, yes, yes, it is interesting for me to be here. I can see more about how to organize an event. It is very important for me. I am very grateful for all the people who helped us to be here today and all the ceremony, it’s really... I will cry, sorry... for me it is my dream to be here, and I am here, so thank you, thank you.”
— St. Petersburg, Russia Event: Badminton
“I say very simply what is from my heart, Thank You. It’s not only two words, (starts to tear-up), It’s really important... I, don’t know many words of English. It is really sometimes very hard to know who I am, but today I am happy, I cry, but I feel happy... so thank you.”
— Moscow, Russia Event: Badminton
Jeferson Sousa (center) with Joanie Evans and FGG Site Selection Officer Dave Killian
JEFERSON SOUSA: Hi I’m Jeferson Sousa. I live in Brazil. I have been a physical education teacher since 2004 and sport has been a part of my life since I was a child.
After I came out from the closet, I tried to find some organisation here in Brazil where I could learn and participate more about lGBTQIA+ issues. To my surprise, I found CDG BRAZIL in São Paulo searching on the internet in 2009. I became a volunteer and two years later, I was invited to become CDG Brazil Vice President. CDG BRAZIL means to me a great history. I learned as well as had a great experience working inside a LGBTQIA+ NGO.
Flyer for the 2014 "Building Bridges" Town Hall meeting during the Sin City Classic
The Gay Games changed my life forever. Through their scholarship program, I was able to make a presentation at the Federation of Gay Games 2014 “Building Bridges” symposium in Las Vegas and participated in Volleyball at Gay Games 9 in Cleveland that summer. My team captured a silver medal.
That was the most incredible experience of my life. I felt like a blessed, embraced, and lucky person. There were so many great people there sharing their experiences and life stories.
When I returned, I came out to my family, and also came out on national television in Brazil. Through my work with CDG BRAZIL, with the support of the FGG, we produced Rio 2016 Olympic Pride House and a multi-sport festival in conjunction with Sao Paulo Pride 2017.
And in October 2017, I became the first Latin American member of the FGG Board of Directors when I was selected to be an Officer at Large. I was able to promote greater awareness about the Gay Games with a lot of LGBTQIA + organisations here in Brazil and Latin America. And now, Guadalajara Mexico will host the first Gay Games in Latin America!
Being part of the FGG and participating at Gay Games changed my life, making me a better, stronger and more polite person.
Jim Hahn (left) with his medal-winning team in Cleveland. Photo: Jim Hahn
JAMES HAHN: Gay Games 9 would change things up yet again and become the first Gay Games to partner with a local organization to facilitate the production of the Games. This Gay Games would become known as The Cleveland Foundation presents Gay Games 9: Cleveland + Akron 2014. The Cleveland Foundation was formed in 1914 for the purposes of enhancing and promoting Cleveland, Ohio.
As the saying goes, we arrived in Cleveland. The first thing I noticed was a bright billboard near the highway on the way into town from the airport welcoming people to the Gay Games. It was the first time I'd ever experienced the word “Gay” in bright lights in a very straight, very public setting.
Cleveland businesses rolled out the "rainbow carpet." Photo: Jim Hahn
In almost every storefront, including those in the permanent farmer’s markets and in shopping enclaves in various parts of town, there was a rainbow flag or the Gay Games flag. You knew immediately that you were intentionally welcome there. Nearly everything was organized beautifully, including the convention center and the park across the street which was home the Festival Village, a running venue of vendors and stage shows throughout the week.
Teammate Doug Litwin was lucky to find our team a large, beautiful home in Cleveland Heights to rent. It was a great venue for us to meet with friends and teammates throughout the week. To get to downtown from this house you drove several miles on a long thoroughfare which the first thing I noticed was that nearly every flag pole in front of nearly every building had a rainbow flag on it. The Gay Games has never had such a welcome.
FGG Co-Presidents Kurt Dahl and Joanie Evans speaking at the GGIX Opening Ceremony. Photo: Tricia Uveges
JOANIE EVANS: For years I had always joked about being the first Black Female Co-President of the FGG, mainly because I had thought it was an inaccessible role for me as I’m working class, live in a council flat and earn a minimum wage. But now I am, I see that it was possible due to my years of participation on boards, committees, and my commitment to sports, which I hadn’t noticed had been noticed. Now that I’ve been in the role for a while, I see the seriousness of what I can represent, not just a woman of colour but as an advocate of sports for ALL.
FGG Co-Presidents Joanie Evans and Kurt Dahl at the GGIX Opening Ceremony. Photo: Tricia Uveges
Leading the Board out, ahead of the Parade of Athletes in Cleveland/Akron 2014 was amazing. I had been in Cleveland for a few days before the games started and had wandered around the city with my pals Elizabeth Kerekere and Alofa Aiono from New Zealand. Little did I know how much my life would be changed after the Opening Ceremony. It took me over an hour to leave the stadium as I was mobbed by participants, which I wasn’t expecting at all.
The rest of the Games, I had no time to myself. I had chosen not to play football as it would not have allowed me to visit as many of the events in Cleveland and Akron to show my support to the participants and hear from them what a difference the games has made for them in the same way it had for me and I loved every interaction.
Tony Smith (center) at Gay Games IX Closing Ceremony. Photo: Tony Smith
TONY SMITH: While with the Colorado Gay Volleyball Association, I served as President and helped our organization host two North American Gay Volleyball Championships in Denver, not to mention countless local leagues and tournaments. In 2010, I pitched a position to the organizers of the 2014 Gay Games 9 Cleveland + Akron called the International Champions Coordinator, a program that continues to this day. The sole purpose of this program is to get more athletes to participate.
I created the International Champions Program based on the observation of how the world of LGBTQ sports had evolved since the Gay Games began. Public and organized LGBTQ sports are a recent phenomenon due to equality trailblazers around the world; one initial way to organize athletes for the Gay Games were “TEAMS” organized by major cities and states i.e. Team San Francisco, Team Colorado, etc. Since then, however, LGBTQ sports have evolved grown exponentially to be focused mostly by sport, by orientation and by location i.e. Colorado Gay Volleyball Association, National Gay and Lesbian Flag Football Association, etc. This evolution required the Gay Games to re-think how it reached out to athletes all around the world – the key being reaching out to our target audiences of athletes already participating in sports and cultural activities featured at the Gay Games. One example I stressed is that casting a wide net of Gay Games promotion at Gay Pride Parades is simply not focused enough; we need to get Gay Games promotional materials directly in the hands of the very people we want to get to the Games.
The International Champions Program works to laser-focus marketing to sports and cultural events participating in the Gay Games, followed by identifying individuals that champion all elements of the Games, target outreach to tournaments, organizations and events that have traveling athletes and cultural participants. This marketing includes banners, t-shirts, business cards, social media, influencers, celebrities, government, Ambassadors, and more.
Following my service 2012-2014 for Gay Games 9, I was elected to the FGG Board of Directors as the Officer of Communications 2014-2018.
Laura Moore (left) skating with Rosalia Palumbo
LAURA MOORE: I met Rosalia Palumbo at a competition in NJ not long after I returned to the ice. She was planning to go to Cleveland to skate with Bradley Erickson and asked if I would be interested in skating with her, too. Would I ever!!!
We did a sexy “morning after” skate to “She Was my Baby Last Night” in lingerie. The look on my face when she lifted me captured my excitement perfectly.
Blind skater "Stash" with his sighted partner, a Gay Games first. Photo: Kelly Murphy-Stevens
There were some incredible moments on the ice in Cleveland. We welcomed our first openly trans figure skaters and marveled at a completely blind skater ice dancing with a sighted partner.
(L) The South Africa delegation, minus Shamey but featuring Hlengiwe Buthelezi (white t-shirt). Photo: Michele Rodriguez
(R) The Slovenia delegation and its only member Shamey Cramer. Photo: Matt Cordish
SHAMEY CRAMER: Once the FGG Board of Directors and the scholarship recipients made our entrance into Quicken Loans Arena and were escorted to our seats, Hlengiwe Buthelezi, one of our scholarship recipients from South Africa, was distraught. She wanted to get back to where her fellow South Africans were in order to march in with them, but wasn’t sure how to get there; or if she had sufficient time to do so.
Given the amount of time I had spent in “The Q” the past few days serving as Writer-Executive Producer for the Opening Ceremony, I was able to recall the quickest way to get from one level to the next, which involved two elevators and several staircases. I surprised myself at how well I did, because we got back to the line with plenty of time.
When we joined her contingent, I asked “would you guys minds if I marched in with you? That would actually be the easiest way for me to get back to my seat.” They laughed, and said “Sure!”
The person holding the banner in front of the South Africa banner turned around and said: “Too bad - my athlete isn’t arriving until tomorrow so I have no one to march behind the Slovenia banner.”
With that, I turned to my new South African friends and said: “So long South Africa, hello Slovenia!” We all had a good laugh - but none more so than the Cleveland Games Board members and employees lining the entrance when we actually walked into the stadium. They all looked at me, puzzled, shaking their heads, and laughing. Who else did they expect to fill in for an absent participant, other than the Officer of Ceremonies?
As exhausting as it all was, once I got back to my host’s late that night, I got on the phone with GG9 Director of Development Mary Zaller and chatted for a good two hours. When I told her how I ended up being the lone representative for Slovenia, she became very silent. “You know my Dad was Slovenian.” I joined her in silence for a few seconds before we agreed that it definitely was a sign letting her know how proud he was of her.
HLENGIWE BUTHELEZI: Cleveland + Akron was an awesome Gay Games and I met wonderful people for life. Besides capturing 5 Gold medals, the whole experience was awesome because by then I had a good experience about the Gay Games with many friends that I’d I met during the previous games. I met a wonderful lesbian couple (Cathy & Peg) in Cleveland who hosted me before I moved to the Akron university hostels where Track & Field competitions were held. The closing ceremony was in Cleveland so they welcomed me back till I left Cleveland to California. I started in San Diego for the invitation to give a talk in 3 different organisations and a Rotary club, then I sealed it with Los Angeles to give a talk at the UCLA AIDS project.
Akron Mayor Donald L. Plusquellic (L) & Cleveland Mayor Frank G. Jackson (R) at GGIX Opening Ceremony. Photo: Matt Cordish
EMY RITT: The Cleveland-Akron Gay Games ultimately took place in the summer of 2014 with the full support of Cleveland Mayor Frank G. Jackson and Akron Mayor Donald L. Plusquellic. This was the first time that two cities teamed up to host the Gay Games. The local corporate and sporting communities also provided their full support and access to venues, such as the then-named Quicken Loans Arena (or “the Q”) for the Opening Ceremony, the Huntington Convention Center for Accreditation, and the University of Akron Athletic Center. The Cleveland GG9 Team, led by Tom Nobbe and Rob Smitherman, organized and executed an excellent Gay Games.
For the first time ever, the Host Country’s Head of State addressed the Opening Ceremony via a pre-recorded video. How cool is that! President Barack Obama’s message promoted inclusion and diversity while welcoming Gay Games participants from all over the world and encouraging them to strive for their personal best. Other dignitaries included Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown and his wife, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Connie Schultz. Their addresses to the packed stadium were heartfelt and very well received.
During the entire week of GG9, the people of Cleveland and Akron displayed their support and friendship, volunteered by the dozens, and opened their hearts to the Gay Games and its participants.
Richard Hogan at Gay Games IX, 2014
RICHARD HOGAN: Cleveland had an amazing atmosphere during the Gay Games! All week the tallest building in town had rainbow lights which were visible for miles. The locals were very welcoming and seemed very proud to have us visiting their city. Like so many others, I was very impressed to see USA President Barack Obama welcome us during the Opening Ceremony. What a great surprise!
One evening I attended a concert by the Cleveland Orchestra at the beautiful Severance Hall. The concert was in association with the Gay Games but it looked like most of the audience were locals. After the concert my friends and I gathered outside for a drink before going to dinner. All of a sudden someone started to sing and before long there was a large “choral flash mob” singing fun gay themed songs. I was later told the singers were local Ohio residents who just wanted to join the fun… and it was really great fun!
I participated in Track & Field and finally won a Gay Games medal, a bronze in the 100 metre sprint. Of course, I value my previous Participation Medals just as much!
CHEER SF check presentation to the FGG Scholarship Fund at Gay Games IX. Anthony Alston second from left.
ANTHONY ALSTON: Little did I know that in April 2014 I would be called back to Seattle to become a full-time caregiver for my mom as she battled Alzheimer's disease. It broke my heart to leave the team that I deeply loved but going home was the right thing to do. I was needed here. As I write this essay, after eight incredible years, my mother is being transferred to an adult family home. I am no longer able to provide the same level of one-to-one care that she requires. I knew this day would come but it still hurts because adulting is hard.
Now, CHEER was fully engaged and visible. Thanks to the stewardship of Sanford and Rob Smitherman, CHEER had a more active role at the Games. Not only did CHEER perform a collaborative routine with their sister squads, CHEER SF also performed in a tribute to the birthplace of “Superman” during the Opening Ceremony.
CHEER was everywhere! We welcomed the participants onto the arena floor during the parade of athletes. We were “spirit jamming” at the venue exits of the Quicken Loans Arena following the Opening Ceremony. We hosted our CHEER competition and exhibition in the Cleveland Auditorium Music Hall. We cheered at Gay Games basketball games and dart throwing competitions. We performed at the Closing Ceremony. CHEER SF even hosted a fundraiser at a local bar. We were excited to raise $12k during our 10 day stay in Cleveland. Half of the raised funds went to a local nonprofit supporting the HIV/AIDS community and the other half went to the FGG’s scholarship fund. At that time, CHEER was the single largest donor to date for the scholarship program.
CHEER New York took gold in “Sport Pom” and CHEER San Francisco collected the silver. Wow! Silver! At the Gay Games! What a feeling! CHEER NY brought hip hop fire to the competition. It was awesome! I understand that CHEER NY had “Broadway” level dancers on their team and I was totally cool taking second place to them. Mind you, I had been away from CHEER SF for several months and I was grateful to learn new choreography quickly enough so as to not bring my team’s performance down. I still had that “CHEER SF magic” as I’d like to call it. For those that don’t know this was the moment that “CHEER Seattle” was announced to the world. If you could only see my mouth drop to the floor when I heard the words come out of Sara Toogood’s mouth on what was to come. Toogood was relocating to Seattle with her husband.
(l to r) Sandra Ghiralducci, Jessica Waddell Lewinstein, Kyle Chang, Sara, Waddell Lewinstein, Hlengiwe Buthelezi. Photo: Kelly Murphy-Stevens
Tom Waddell Award recipients Elvina Yuvakaeva and Gene Dermody. Photo: Kelly Murphy-Stevens
JESSICA WADDELL LEWINSTEIN: In Cleveland, I was back again, but now as part of the audience, and as a full-grown woman. This time, as someone who had a better understanding of the challenges people continue to face around the world. I remember being in awe of Elvina Yuvakaeva, the Russian LGBT Sports Federation Co-President and GG9 Waddell Award recipient, and everything she had to overcome to be there. And I remember feeling full of delight and excitement to see a message to the Gay Games from the President of the United States, Barack Obama.